Planetary Harvest and Oilfields High School of Diamond Valley Alberta Collaborate Together on New Production Technologies
and Educational Opportunties

Planetary Harvest has teamed up with Oilfields High School in Diamond Valley Alberta to add capacity and diversity to Oilfields award winning vertical farm initiative (VFI).

In 2023, the Oilfields High School VFI project received a School Board Innovation and Excellence Award from the Alberta School Boards Association and visited by Alberta’s Lt.-Gov. Lakhani to present and award students on their efforts.

The Oilfields High School vertical farm is housed inside a solar-powered 40-foot seacan that has been growing micro-greens, herbs and lettuce in biochar media.

With Planetary Harvest’s expertise in biochar-based vertical farm design and donated time, the VFI will soon house two production bays from Planetary Harvest’s Remote Environment Vegetable Incubator (REVI™) system. Planetary Harvest’s Production Technician (pictured above) Max Gillespie is in the process of installing the new bays.

The two REVI bays will double the capacity of the Oilfields High School vertical farm, and will introduce the concepts of growing root and other diverse vegetables and legume protein crops in biochar to the students.

This upgrade project was made possible by the sponsors of the VFI initiative at Oilfields High School, find out more about the students, teachers and corporate sponsors here: Oilfields Highschool Vertical Farm Initiative


Attainable Housing, Kingston, Ontario


The Prototype, Planetary Harvest Lab, Calgary Alberta